This tool is based on the work of user Arachobia on RPG Crossing with his permission. He had taken a list of tables from Dragon magazine #422 in an article called "Building Character" by Matt Sernett and updated them for 5th edition. I've turned them into an automatic tool for generating a characters background.

Instructions: Refresh the page to generate a new background story. As always, you can use it however you like and fill in your own details. Your age and acquired proficiencies are listed at the bottom and are based on the results you got. Try to pick a Race/Class/Background combo that fulfills all the proficiencies. Your age may also result in ability score modifiers that can be applied after building your character.

...or ignore everything and do whatever you want. Whatever.
Background Generator

(T.101): One of your parents was a lawyer. You will have proficiency in Persuasion.

(T.102): One of your parents was a craftsperson or skill artist.

(T.2): You are the youngest of a 7 sibling family.

(T.3): You were apprenticed or sent to be trained. Roll on Table 4 to determine who by or what as.

(T.4): While others may seek out gold, magic or combat, you sought out a life of art and skill with a great craftsman or artist. Of course, being a tutor need not be uneventful, Find out what happened to your mentor on Table 12.

(T.12): The person is being blackmailed by a criminal organization. You decide to infiltrate said organization to discover the blackmailer's identity on Table 26.

(T.26): You're given a job, roll on Table 15 to see what. However, you mess it up and are caught. The guild manages to pull enough strings to prevent you going straight to prison, but you have to escape the law on your own. Flee on Table 19.

    >>>> (T.15): Blackmailing.

(T.19): You are captured and imprisoned on Table 21.

(T.21): They though that putting you here would be the end of you, but instead you essentially become the 'boss' of the prison you're in. Your loyal followers arrange for you to be released and even given a bit of gold when you are. You will have +20% starting gold and proficiency in Intimidation and your choice of either Deception or Persuasion. Your life of adventure begins.

Total Rolls: 10
Your age is ADULT
Adults are at the most equalized stage of development. From here their physical body will begin to weaken while their minds and personalities benefit from experience.
Adults have no modifiers to their attributes.

20% More Starting Gold
Deception or Persuasion