This tool is based on the work of user Arachobia on RPG Crossing with his permission. He had taken a list of tables from Dragon magazine #422 in an article called "Building Character" by Matt Sernett and updated them for 5th edition. I've turned them into an automatic tool for generating a characters background.

Instructions: Refresh the page to generate a new background story. As always, you can use it however you like and fill in your own details. Your age and acquired proficiencies are listed at the bottom and are based on the results you got. Try to pick a Race/Class/Background combo that fulfills all the proficiencies. Your age may also result in ability score modifiers that can be applied after building your character.

...or ignore everything and do whatever you want. Whatever.
Background Generator

(T.101): If this is your 1st roll on this table, your family was poor. You will have 25% less starting gold. Continue on to Table 2.

(T.2): You are the oldest of a 5 sibling family.

(T.3): You are cursed! You either flee your home in shame, leave voluntarily or are driven out. Roll on Table 7.

(T.7): Your hand turns to a sort of mobile stone. You can experience nothing in it: pain, heat or touch. Only divine powers can cure you, but in exchange you must serve the temple on Table 27.

(T.27): You manage to ask just the right kind of impertinent questions about the Temple's beliefs and dogma to set the priests on each other. You find yourself in the position of having to mediate to prevent a fill on religious schism. Do your best on Table 28.

(T.28): You are so bad at trying to negotiate that you actually may have started a war. At any rate, you find you are pressed into service on Table 22.

(T.22): Your unit and an enemy unit end up in a stand-off. Try negotiate a truce on Table 28.

(T.28): You are so bad at trying to negotiate that you actually may have started a war. At any rate, you find you are pressed into service on Table 22.

(T.22): Your unit and an enemy unit end up in a stand-off. Try negotiate a truce on Table 28.

(T.28): You are so bad at trying to negotiate that you actually may have started a war. At any rate, you find you are pressed into service on Table 22.

(T.22): Your unit is surrounded and only you escape the massacre by fleeing into the wilderness on Table 24.

(T.24): You survive by honing your hunting and trapping skills. You will have proficiency in Nature and Survival. With these new skills, you return a stronger person and your life of adventure begins.

Total Rolls: 12
Your age is ADULT
Adults are at the most equalized stage of development. From here their physical body will begin to weaken while their minds and personalities benefit from experience.
Adults have no modifiers to their attributes.

25% Less Starting Gold