M1 - Blizzard Pass

This adventure was originally published for use with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set rules. It was an invisible ink module that came with a special marking pen to reveal hidden text in the numbered boxes. It was made for just one person to play solo without a Dungeon Master.

How to Play
I have updated it here for use with the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition rules. To play this solo module, you will need a Players Handbook, or you can use the free version of the rules linked above. You will also need a twenty-sided die and a six-sided die. Paper and pencil will help you keep track of some notes.
Blizzard Pass consists of over 300 numbered pages. A page describes a situation involving you, the player character (PC). As you read, you must choose the best course of action from the list of options. Carefully consider the consequences and then choose the corresponding page. Pages will make no sense if read in strict numerical order. And you should read only the pages you are directed to read. If you read other pages, you may become confused and will certainly spoil the excitement of the adventure. After completing the adventure, feel free to start over and try again.

The Character
This solo adventure is designed for a single character - in this case, an entry-level thief. You can use the pregenerated Character Sheet linked above. Or you can create your own thief using the Players Handbook rules. Give your PC a name, especially if you intend to use this character in other adventures after completing Blizzard Pass.
If you want to use your own character, it should be a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level thief. He/she should have no magic items or missle weapons. If it is a 1st or 2nd level thief, you may want to give him/her a higher Constitution so they have more than the average number of hit points. The solo adventure is dangerous and weak characters may find it difficult to survive.

Guidelines for Playing
1. This adventure is dangerous, so do not take any decision lightly. You will never know when your next decision means the difference between life and death.
2. Resist the tempation to alter die rolls. Be honest. The game will lose its excitement and challenge if you use only the best rolls.
3. If your PC dies in the course of the adventure, you may begin again, but you must roll up a new character. The PC you were using has died and cannot be brought back to life.
4. If you are using a character from a regular game, be ready to accept that character's fate. It must be removed from the regular game if it is slain in this adventure!
5. No character may explore the dungeon more than once in an attemtp to gain experience or treasure. You may, however, use a differnt character to explore the areas you missed the first time.
6. You may find it useful to make a note of each page you read, in case you read a page that directs you to go back to the previous page and you can't remember the number. The 'Back' button on your browser can also be used to retrace your steps. Keeping notes will also be useful if you want to stop the adventure and come back to it later. You can use the text box in the top menu to go to a specific page.
7. And the most important rule for any D&D game - have fun! If you're not having fun, you're doing it wrong.